Friday, July 18, 2008

Back in the Saddle

I'm filling in at my old job for a co-worker, but not doing a very good job, I'm afraid. The very first thing was that I started talking, but didn't turn on my mic. Nice. I did that twice. I also forgot whips and sponsor reads. Thank goodness I don't do this full-time! I had no problem making grilled cheese sandwiches, though.


danielskiffington said...

Its probably because I was not there to keep you company. When all else the Spanish whip segment instead - that way its pre recorded.

Dan-Eric Slocum said...

KOMO 1000 Newstime. Who cares.

Just your presence is a treat for the listeners. The listeners should have to PAY KOMO to listen to you.

Kristin said...

It was so fun having you back! I loved the grilled cheese!