Wednesday, December 3, 2008

You Don't Mess With the Geno

Sweet Pea is always terrorizing poor Geno, our cat. Sometimes she'll just walk up to him when he's sleeping and scream as loud as she can. Then when he "scratches" her (he doesn't have front claws), she shows us her 'hurt' hand with a look on her face like "Look what Geno did to me."

This time, Geno was sleeping on the back of the couch and Tia decided to go mess with him. At the end of the video Geno turns into a cat from The Matrix and his paw moves so fast you can barely see it hitting Sweet Pea's face. Hilarious. Unfortunately, my camera battery died before I could get her reaction, which was "Ooooooooooowwww!"


danielskiffington said...

This is the best video I have ever seen.

Kristin said...

hhaah that is tooo funny! godo thing that cat can't scratch her!

Dan-Eric Slocum said...

This is a true classic. Sibling rivalry in a strange way. I love it.

Contact Travis said...

hehehe, love go sweet pea...terrorize that cat ;)