Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I miss Time

I woke up before Sweet Pea this morning and thought I could squeeze in a shower. I brought the baby monitor into the bathroom like I always do, and cranked up the volume, just in case. Less than one minute after I stepped in the shower, as my hair was getting wet (a hairwashing day too---too late to get out now) her little voice started wailing from the monitor, the red lights 'pinging' all the way up. "Shit," I sighed, and speed-showered, again. No time to stand there for a second to wake up as the water comes down. No time to think "Hmm, which shampoo should I use this time?" Shave my legs? Out of the friggin' question.

I miss the days when I could just STAND in the shower and think about my list of things to do for the day. When I could stand in my closet with a hot cup of coffee and decide what to wear. When I could actually HAVE a HOT cup of coffee. When I could sit and watch a TV show or check email without rushing or thinking, "How long til she's up?" Even at this moment, as I write this blog, the baby monitor is cranked and I can hear her breathing, rolling around, taking her nap.

I miss the extra time I used to meet friends, shop, go out...that's what you give up to be a mom. But I also know I would miss Sweet Pea more, if I didn't have her on the monitor.


Colleen said...

That sounds rough, Sue. Go to the spa with your sister. Do it. You deserve it.

danielskiffington said...

There is no doubt that being a parent is a sacrificial act. But you have the right perspective. Even though its hard (and sometimes sucks), its so worth it in the end.

Kristin said...

Yup I agree with both Colleen and Dan. You are an amazing mother spending so much time with your little girl, she'll always remember that. But get out there and do something FOR YOU. Make Ian take the baby on Saturday and go to the spa, have some pamper time. And let's go to happy hour one of these days :)