Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I love this man

I voted for Barack Obama, but I wasn't a hardcore fan. I consider myself a Democrat, yes. I agree with his message and believe he will honestly try to do some good for this country. That's why I voted for him. But I have to say, when I watched his acceptance speech last night on TV, I cried. I felt like things really WERE changing at that very moment...not necessarily because we elected our country's first African Amercian president, but because so many of us---white, Republicans, others---were able to look past the color of his skin and support him because of what he represents. Isn't that what we all want? Something to HOPE for. I am not a political person AT ALL and I woke up this morning thinking, "Oh yeah, Barack Obama is the President!"

With the news that Mr. Obama won the election last night, I thought, "Wow, he's the first (half) black President." At the beginning of his speech, I thought, "I hope he says something good and not just the regular b.s." And by the end of his speech I thought, "I love this man!" and that I want to learn from his amazing, fabulous, extraordinary team of speechwriters.

Now, I'm not living in fantasy land, I know Obama has a lot of work to do and it's all uphill and that things don't change overnight, but the thought of the OPPORTUNITY to change something for the better...well that's something to feel good about in a country that has had a lot of missed opportunities.

So, I cried. But maybe it was because I was seeing other people cry. Or maybe it was because, being a minority, I have some inkling of what a night like that means to another minority group. Or maybe because it felt like a change that I couldn't explain was happening.

Ian laughed at me because I had to get a tissue, because I also well up at corny commericals and TV shows.

Gullible, I may be. HOPEFUL, I definitely am.


Kristin said...

I love him to, he's a beacon of light in a tough time, someone to look up to and trust, someone who can instill a sense of community and hope. He has a long road ahead, but at least he's already inspired us.

Dan-Eric Slocum said...

I cried too.

It's been a long, rough eight years for the country I love so much.

Contact Travis said...

hopeful for sure!!!!!!

I didnt see the speech, I listened to it on my headphones live while I was in the midst of the state Republican election night party.

they were all disappointed and I was secretly elated!

Lisa said...

I still don't feel it. I think I've sufficiently numbed myself out over the past 8 years, that I don't know what to feel.

Hope is a very, very good thing. It's what moves the people.

I can't wait for the elation to arrive.