Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Not Getting Easier

My eyes were so dry on my way home that when I rubbed my eye, my right contact lense fell out. I was still five minutes away from my house so I put the lense in my mouth to keep it moist and tried not to swallow it.

In between shifts I have exactly enough time to do one task (grocery store, laundry, or other), fix something to eat, take a nap and still leave myself enough time to get back to work for the afternoon shift.

When I woke up again, I saw Sweet Pea for a total of five minutes before I had to leave again. She broke my heart when she said in her little toddler voice, "I want YOU mommy," and she locked her little arms around my neck, "Don't go to work."

My eyes were not dry when I drove away, still watching her wave bye-bye with her arm sticking out from the railing of the deck.


Kristin said...

Oh that's so sad! I hope all this madness is done for you soon, it's unnatural!

Colleen said...

That is the saddest story sue!! I'm so sorry you have to feel this way. Your hard work ethic will rub off on her and she'll be a hard worker one day, too.... if that means anything... yeesh!